
What did I waste today on?

Good question, good folks. I'll elaborate.

I spent several hours last night trying to get this damn blog to format correctly, going so far as to manually edit the html and add in breaks. Alas, as you can tell by the previous post, blogger is a cunt (I'm using cunt in that cute British way that makes it funny not vulgar). After editing the same post eight times and seeing no change in the end product I gave up and went to bed. Unfortunately, this was later than I intended and thus, I slept later than I intended.

My goal today was to design a device to connect my digital camera lens to the top of a box camera in order to minimize light leakage. It was sunny out though, and my ADD got the better of me (I don't really have ADD, I suffer from a tremendously rare brain disorder that prevents me from sticking to any task if the sun is shining*) and I spent three hours cleaning out my car. After scrubbing all of the child goo off of the back seat and putting air in the tires I declared my work a moderate success and went in to change clothes.

As soon as I walked in the house I decided it wasn't worth it for the Bartlesville movie theatre and left in the less than stellar garb I cleaned in. You see, several weeks ago I promised Alice we would go see 'Hotel for Dogs' during one of those conversations where she spends so much time getting to the point I agree just to make her stop trying. The movie was less than inspirational. Even the previews sucked. I was however, the only person (in a packed theatre of children) that laughed hysterically at the trailer for the new 'Dragonball Evolution' movie. I was probably the only person that had even heard of it though, and I don't think the preview was meant to be humorous.

That's pretty much the whole day excluding about 30 minutes where I repeatedly filled a half-empty glass with water trying to fix the viscosity of Kool-Aid.

Something tells me I'm going to have to bulk-up my social calendar before I have a mental break and start adopting stray cats and naming them after deceased relatives.

*Also not true.

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